Natural urges also called as Vegas in Ayurveda. There are 2 types of Vegas.
- Dharaniya Vegas , which we should hold and also called as Mind Vegas.
- Adharaniya Vegas, Which should be released and also called as Body Vegas.
Body Vegas are excretory bi products of the Panchabhoutika Ahara which we consume. Ayurveda depicts that the body natural urges are essential for healthy functioning of the body. Holding these natural urges, disturbs healthy state of the body and results in diseased condition. Some of these ill effects are shown in the table below.
Urge To pass Urine | Pain in Bladder Pain to urinate Distention of Lower Abdomen Bending of Body Headache |
Urge To eliminate Feces |
Colic Pain Constipation Retention of Urine& Flatus Distention of Abdomen Headache Cramps in Muscles |
Urge To Eliminate Semen | General Body aches Pain in Cardiac Region Retention of Urine Pain in Testicles and Phallus Nervous disorders |
Urge To Vomit | Urticaria Anorexia Hyperpigmentation on skin Oedema Anemia Skin Diseases |
Urge To Sneeze | Headache Migraine Weakness in Sense organs Facial Paralysis Hiccough Constipation Tremor Obstacle in Heart and lung Functioning. |
Urge To Yawn | Bending of Body Convulsion Numbness Tremor |
Urge To Eat | Emaciation Complexion Change Giddiness Fatigue |
Urge To Drink Water | Dryness of mouth and throat Deafness Weakness Cardiac pain |
Urge To Sleep | Malaise Disease of Head and Brain Obesity Heaviness in Eyes |
Urge To Cry | Rhinitis Heart diseases Eye diseases Vertigo |
Urge To Breath heavily caused by Exertion. | Tumour Heart diseases Fainting |

We in this modern era try to stop natural urges in front of others like sneezing, yawning, passing fart and etc.,Hence think twice before holding natural urge. So feel free for natural urge and stay healthy
Dr. Bala Tripura Sundari, B.A.M.S, C.R.A.V