Author: Travancore Ayurveda

Travancore Ayurveda – is an organization established and managed by professionals with more than 100 years of combined corporate executive experience from various Sr. Management levels.

Some basic knowledge about Abhyangam

  Abhyanga is the Sanskrit term for the ancient Ayurvedic practice of full body oil massage. It is just one part of the morning Ayurvedic routine known as dinacharya.This is recommended for all healthy individuals, kids too. The skin is the largest organ of the body, so it makes perfect sense that it would be […]


  Vajikarana is one among eight branches of Ayurveda. It is mainly concerned with aphrodisiacs, virility and improving health of progeny. It is also concerned with good physique, potency, strength, complexion andpersons with low libido. This in turn is helpful in many common sexual dysfunctions, including Infertility, Premature Ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction. It is also […]

Neem-Divine Medicine

  Neem tree is called as,’Sarva RogaNivarani’ in Ayurveda. Commonly it is known as DIvine Tree. This is very commonly found in every part of India. It is one of the best herbal medicines, which is being used for thousands of years by our great ayurvedacharyas (ayurvedic physicians). Today also researches have shown to possessmedicinal […]

Food and Health

  You all may think why there should be a discussion on diet every time?  The reason is very simple –One who desires to make progress in life, carrier, and health should seriously follow the proper diet. An improper diet is an obstacle to lead a healthy and peaceful life. A proper diet not only […]


  Liver is the largest and one of the most important organs in the human body. It is seat of all metabolism and all the toxins, hormones, drugs, alcohol, preservatives, chemicals, body toxins are metabolized. Any disease of the Liver may lead to serious problems and Cirrhosis being one among them.In this disease, there is […]


  Natural urges also called as Vegas in Ayurveda. There are 2 types of Vegas. Dharaniya Vegas , which we should hold and also called as Mind Vegas. Adharaniya Vegas, Which should be released and also called as Body Vegas. Body Vegas are excretory bi products of the Panchabhoutika Ahara which we consume. Ayurveda depicts […]

doorva grass


  Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medical system wherein we believe our body as well as the plants and animals are composed of the same too. Any imbalance of these mahabhutas and in dosha, dhatu and mala can be brought back to equilibrium with any other plant, dravya or animal product as they contain the […]

Dont You Feel Itchy

  Today, let me talk about kandu( कंडू), commonly called itching. It is a type of skin disease ( त्वचारोग) with itching as the main symptom. Ayurveda has always insisted that there are some urges ( वेग) which should always be controlled and some should never be. As we know, वेग are of two types; […]


  Migraine headache is a throbbing, moderate to severe pain usually on one side of the head where symptoms typically last 4 to 72 hrs. The pain generally get worsen by physical activities. Migraine affect slightly more in boys than girls before puberty & 2 to 3 times more in women than men. Globally approximately […]


Triphala is a completely balanced energetic formula, being neither too cold, nor too hot. When taken regularly over a long period, it gently effects the elimination and purification of Ama from the tissues of the entire body. The three fruits have been scientifically studied and confirm some of its known traditional benefits. These include the […]

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