Autism is a developmental disorder of neuro pathology characterized by impaired social interaction & communication, by restricted and repetitive behaviour before a child is 3 years old. Autism is one among the 5 PDDs (Prevasive Develpomental Disorders) Boys are affected 3 to 4 times more than girls. 24.8 Millon people are affected with autism world wild.
Exact cause is not known. Risk factors include certain infections like Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, alcohol, cocaine etc usage during pregnancy, chromosomal abnormalities.
Symptoms include
- Social relationship
- Language
- Behaviour
Children with IQ less than 50, develop seizures before reaching adolescence. 70% of children have some degree of mental retardation.
About a 3rd to a half of individuals with autism have communication difficulty due to improper speech development.
Repetitive behaviour, such as hand flapping, head rolling, body rocking, hand biting, head banging, poking, stuborn, unvarying pattern of daily activities etc.
- No specific medical test
- Based on behaviour, not cause or mechanis
- Preliminary investigations by taking developmental history & physical examination of child

Treatments & training are given to increase quality of life &functional independence.
Ayurvedic View
- Caused due to depletion of dhatus. Most of the activities of child indicate vitiated vata. Treatments are planed based on the signs & symptoms.
- Vatanubandha Pitta chikitsa – Hyperactive
- Vatanubandha Kapha chikitsa – Depressive
- Unmada chikitsa, medhya ousadha, speech therapy, occupational therapy are helpful when done in the early stages.
The best Ayurvedic hospital in Bangalore, where our dedicated team of best ayurvedic doctors in Bangalore is committed to providing exceptional healthcare. We bring the essence of Kerala Ayurveda to Bangalore, offering a wide range of treatments at our Ayurvedic clinic. From specialized therapies like Ayurvedic treatment for Autism, psoriasis and spondylitis treatment in Ayurveda to cataract treatment in Ayurveda, we cater to diverse health needs.
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Dr.Sreelakshmi Vijay, B.A.M.S