Ayurvedic Infertility Treatment
One in every ten couple in India are barren Natural healing with Ayurvedic treatment is the solution Travancore Ayurveda with its focussed infertility treatment in Ayurveda methodology and counseling sessions -to build a healthy society
Male and female infertility is on a rise in the current times. According to a report published in The Quint, 1 in every 10 couples in India are barren. Ayurveda puts very high importance on having good progeny because that is how a healthy society gets built. At Travancore Ayurveda, royal and authentic aurveda principles, help you bring the fulfilment of a marriage.
In most cases the onus of fulfilling a marriage rests solely upon a woman. But the truth is far from this reality. Contemprory work culture of the male sex, the hours spent resting on a chair, the stress, anxiety not only result in a loss of libido but give rise to an impaired physiology that otherwise maintains a healthy reproductive health of a man
At Travancore Ayurveda, we deal with the male infertility issues and address them from the root cause. Problems like, azoospermia treatment in ayurveda, Premature Ejaculation, Erectile dysfunction, Low sperm Count, low sperm motility, Cryptozoospermia etc. are dealt with.
Menstruation is not confined to just uterine cleansing it is the basis of good health for a woman. Healthy menstruation ensures, good bone health, lustrous long hair, radiant skin with no acne, and healthy body weight and fat percentage. Menstruation works in synchrony with the other endocrine glands especially the Thyroid and Adrenals.
The authentic Ayurveda knowledge of the team at Travancore Ayurveda, treats PCOS, Hypothyroidism, uterine fibroids, leucorrhea etc that are a hindrance in the way of completing your family.
Ayurvedic Treatments offered:
Male Uttara vasti, Female uttara vasti, Yoni dhavana (cleansing the female reproductive tract), Yoni dhupana (Fumigating the female reproductive tract) Vasti, shirodhara, Vaman, Virechan, Yogasana, along with internal medicines, a complete diet and lifestyle consultation