Category: Doctors Blog

The Role of Ayurveda in Immune System Support: Strengthening Your Body’s Defense

By adopting a detailed and evidence-based approach, the study explores the effectiveness of Ayurvedic herbs, lifestyle practices, diet modifications, and remedies in boosting immunity. Ayurvedic hospital in hyderabad aim is to provide a comprehensive understanding of how Ayurveda can contribute to enhancing the immune system’s functionality. Such knowledge is valuable for individuals seeking holistic approaches […]

Mind-Body Connection in Ayurveda: Cultivating Mental Clarity and Emotional Balance

Ayurvedic doctor in Hyderabad Draws from the holistic approach of Ayurvedic medicine, this study investigates how various factors, including doshas and specific techniques, can impact mental well-being. By examining Ayurvedic practices that aim to calm the mind and manage stress, as well as nourish the emotional body, this article aims to provide evidence-based insights into […]


Travancore Ayurvedic hospital in hyderabad presents its proprietary throat care gargling powder GALASHODAK enriched with the goodness of Ayurveda and essential herbs like Yastimadhu, Saindhava Lavana, Haridra, Tulsi, Lavanga, Pudina, Twak processed in various proportions. “Galashodak” herbal powder for gargling for complete throat care. In Ayurveda, medicated gargling is called as “kabala” a procedure described […]

Ayurvedic Treatment for PCOS/PCOD

What is PCOS?  Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS):  This is a Hormonal- Female endocrine Disorder that affects women in their reproductive age. 5 to 12 % of the female population gets affected by this disorder. In Ayurveda, This chapter has been covered under the name “Yoni Vyapad .” PCOS occurs when a hormonal imbalance affects follicular […]



Urticaria or Sheetapita as we call in Ayurveda is a condition of skin rashes with red colour , having itching , some times pain too. In some cases, we observe burning sensation, swelling and also fever in some cases. This is an allergic reaction mostly due to specific foods. Urticaria can be mild , moderate […]

Bell’s Palsy (Ardita vata ) Management through Ayurveda

Bell’s Palsy (Ardita vata ) Management through Ayurveda. Facial muscle functions play an integral part in our day today life. Face is the index of mind. Facial expressions reveal the mood of a person (smile, sorrow etc.). Facial paralysis is defined as an inability to move the muscles of the face, on one or both […]

Diseases in Women due to Unhealthy Lifestyle

Diseases in Women due to Unhealthy Lifestyle In the recent past, we, as a society, have identified ‘’lifestyle’’ as one of the major factors of physical and mental health. Lifestyle can be termed as the day-to-day activities performed by an individual in repetitive manner which directly affects the quality of living of an individual. From […]

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is a medical condition, where a non-cancerous enlargement of Prostate gland occurs which then obstructs the free flow of urine. Prostate is a gland seen only in males which secretes prostatic fluid which helps in nourishment of sperm cells after ejaculation. Usually, BPH occurs in males who are […]

Can Stress reduce your Immunity?

Many of us are very anxious in this pandemic as we see and hear a lot of unfortunate news and also a lot of information which are exaggerated from various sources. Too much information sometimes becomes very complex, and this leads to anxiety and fear. Fear of affecting COVID, its implications on your near and […]

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