Category: Doctors Blog

Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s diseaseis a progressive nervous system disorder that affects movement.  The early signs may be barely noticeable. A person’s movements may change slightly. It causes slowness, rigidity, or difficulty in balancing or walking. Also face may lack expression, or handwriting may become small and cramped. There are profound postural instability, rigidity and gait abnormalities occurring […]


(Eye Cleansing Technique) Kriyas are cleansing practices. In that sense, we all practice Kriyas daily. Bathing, washing the face, Brushing, etc. But yogic kriyas refer to special yoga techniques developed by the Yogis, meant to cleanse the inner organ. One of the very effective kriya is Tratak Kriyas which focuses on eyes. Benefits of TRATAK […]

Home-Made Antacid Syrup

(Pittashamak Sharabat) Ingredients: Kokum Syrup -100ml    = Cabbage                            –     100gm Lauki / Bottle guard       –    100gm Saindhav salt / Rock salt –  As per taste Sugar                        […]


Dinacharya is a concept  in ayurvedic medicine that looks at cycles of nature and bases daily activities around these cycles. Ayurveda contents that, these routines help establish balance and understanding daily cycles are useful for promoting for health. Early to bed – Early to rise It is good to wake up before sun rises, when […]


Frozen Shoulder

This is characterized by stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint . Commonly seen in diabetic patients and  in people above 40 years CAUSES Shoulder joint is made up of bones, ligaments and tendons that are encased in a capsule of connective tissues. Frozen shoulder occurs when this capsule thickens and tightens around the shoulder […]

Beneficial Ginger

Beneficial ginger (Bahuguni ardrakam)

     HANDY REMEDY -whether I boil fresh ginger to make a soothing tea or whether I make a cold-killing decoction with ginger powder, I know I won’t be sick over the holidays. This is my personal remedy to avoid getting sick when I feel something coming on. TONIC AND STIMULANT: Ginger is known to help […]


  Obesity is one of the common lifestyle disorder many are suffering today. It has the deleterious effect both on  body and mind. WHO declared it as a global epidemic disorder. Worldwide atleast 2.8million die every year due to over weight. It is  the root cause for many other aliments like diabetes, cardiac disorders, atherosclerosis, […]

Ayurveda, Love making and Healthy babies

  Ayurveda being the famed science of life takes procreation very seriously. For its roots are deeply entwined with noble, higher brain dominant virtues, which subtly and beautifully convey that a deep, loving and pure relationship gives birth to healthy children, the future of the society, who go on to build, progress and make this […]

Akshi - Eye

Akshi – Eye – What you must know

  Akshi, or eyes, are a gift of God to enjoy the nature. As per Ayurveda, it is an important organ of our body, one among the five sense organs. All Pancha mahanhootas are involved in maintaining the health of the Eye. Earth ( Prithvi) : governs the muscular part of the Eye, Water (aap) […]

Ayurvedic summer tips

  Summer is at the peak with severe heat conditions… let’s glance through this season from an Ayurvedic view… This season is known as ‘Greeshma Rutu’ according to Ayurveda. Greeshma name has derived from the Sanskrit word – “Grasaret” ie ‘Grasaret rasan’ one which absorbs all ‘rasa’ – liquid from body. Due to severe heat […]

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