Category: Doctors Blog

Rice the rogue, really?

  Ayurvedic physicians and their fabled lengthy list of Do’s and Don’t s are well known. It makes me happy when the patients ask, what not to eat doctor? I deeply respect these individuals and appreciate their courage of listening to a NO for eating their favorite dish or food item. One question, very frequently […]


  Ageing is natural process. After the age of forty the aging process is characterized by declining physical performance which impairs all facets of well being. However although old age is inevitable, it could be made bearable. Old age is characterized by the following conditions Decrease in strength and power of resistance. Possibilities of suffering […]


Ajirna- Indigestion and the ensuing micronutrient deficiency.

  According to Ayurveda one would suffer from no disease if he had no indigestion. Indigestion, being the root cause of all diseases. Hippocrates too brought this wisdom to the western world long after Ayurveda had already propounded- ‘it all starts from the gut’. From the tongue to the tissue is a pretty long journey […]

Ayurvedic skin diseases

Skin Care In Winter Through Ayurveda

  Everything the life and world including our bodies, the food that we eat, the environment around us is composed of Tridoshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each has their fundamental properties and qualities. Vata The principle of movement is the ruling dosha for winter season. Every change in climate shows effect on skin. The cold […]

Inside MRI Scanner From Your Harmless Work Chair

  In this city, popular as a start-up capital, everyone has a certain amount of work in front of the computer system. Right from the local baniya who is making digital bills and updating his stock, to a doctor writing a blog and may also now manage their clinics with software’s! With numerous more being […]

Some basic knowledge about Abhyangam

  Abhyanga is the Sanskrit term for the ancient Ayurvedic practice of full body oil massage. It is just one part of the morning Ayurvedic routine known as dinacharya.This is recommended for all healthy individuals, kids too. The skin is the largest organ of the body, so it makes perfect sense that it would be […]


  Vajikarana is one among eight branches of Ayurveda. It is mainly concerned with aphrodisiacs, virility and improving health of progeny. It is also concerned with good physique, potency, strength, complexion andpersons with low libido. This in turn is helpful in many common sexual dysfunctions, including Infertility, Premature Ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction. It is also […]

Neem-Divine Medicine

  Neem tree is called as,’Sarva RogaNivarani’ in Ayurveda. Commonly it is known as DIvine Tree. This is very commonly found in every part of India. It is one of the best herbal medicines, which is being used for thousands of years by our great ayurvedacharyas (ayurvedic physicians). Today also researches have shown to possessmedicinal […]

Food and Health

  You all may think why there should be a discussion on diet every time?  The reason is very simple –One who desires to make progress in life, carrier, and health should seriously follow the proper diet. An improper diet is an obstacle to lead a healthy and peaceful life. A proper diet not only […]

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