Category: Doctors Blog


  Liver is the largest and one of the most important organs in the human body. It is seat of all metabolism and all the toxins, hormones, drugs, alcohol, preservatives, chemicals, body toxins are metabolized. Any disease of the Liver may lead to serious problems and Cirrhosis being one among them.In this disease, there is […]


  Natural urges also called as Vegas in Ayurveda. There are 2 types of Vegas. Dharaniya Vegas , which we should hold and also called as Mind Vegas. Adharaniya Vegas, Which should be released and also called as Body Vegas. Body Vegas are excretory bi products of the Panchabhoutika Ahara which we consume. Ayurveda depicts […]

doorva grass


  Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medical system wherein we believe our body as well as the plants and animals are composed of the same too. Any imbalance of these mahabhutas and in dosha, dhatu and mala can be brought back to equilibrium with any other plant, dravya or animal product as they contain the […]

Dont You Feel Itchy

  Today, let me talk about kandu( कंडू), commonly called itching. It is a type of skin disease ( त्वचारोग) with itching as the main symptom. Ayurveda has always insisted that there are some urges ( वेग) which should always be controlled and some should never be. As we know, वेग are of two types; […]


  Migraine headache is a throbbing, moderate to severe pain usually on one side of the head where symptoms typically last 4 to 72 hrs. The pain generally get worsen by physical activities. Migraine affect slightly more in boys than girls before puberty & 2 to 3 times more in women than men. Globally approximately […]


Triphala is a completely balanced energetic formula, being neither too cold, nor too hot. When taken regularly over a long period, it gently effects the elimination and purification of Ama from the tissues of the entire body. The three fruits have been scientifically studied and confirm some of its known traditional benefits. These include the […]


  It is a rare disorder that causes immune systems to attack peripheral nervous system. It is a rapidly evolving areflexic motor paralysis with or without sensory disturbances. The usual pattern is an ascending paralysis that may be first noticed as rubbery legs. The exact cause of GBS is unknown. It is often preceded by […]


Swedana (fomentation therapy) is one of the treatment procedures in Ayurveda. It is done as the main treatment procedure for various vata vyadhi or as a pre-operative procedure for panchakarma depending upon the patient’s condition. Swedana is a procedure done to stimulate your sweat glands to increase perspiration and circulation. It alleviates vitiated vata and […]

Management Of Honey Bee Bite Through Ayurvda

Acharya Sushrutahas described various animal and insects poisons in his samhitas. In day-today life many of us face the insect bite and suffer with this. Makshika Dansha – honey bee bite is the condition in which rarely there is threat to life, but pain and burning of affected part is severe. Signs and symptoms Kandu […]


  Food plays a very important role in woman during fertility time. Pregnancy and breastfeeding place a large nutrient demand on a woman’s body. So woman who is willing to be a mother or pregnant should provide sufficient amount of nourishment. Women have a tendency to under-eat. Now days in an effort to achieve zero […]

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