Udvartana – Ayurvedic Massage Therapy
Udwartanam or Powder massage is a special ayurvedic massage in which herbal powders like Udwartanam are used to massage the body against the direction of the hair follicles with more pressure. This is found very effective in the obesity, hemiplegia, paralysis, skin diseases, impaired circulation etc and similar diseases. In this procedure 2 therapists apply certain special Herbal Powders in a peculiar way on the body for about 30 to 40 minutes daily for a period of 14 to 28 days.
The ayurvedic massage activates the nerves and increases blood flow to the impaired parts of the body. Udvarthanam is also an important health preserving massage. As the massage promotes active blood flow, it revitalizes and reconditions the body, thus preserving its strength, skin texture, and natural elasticity. Fat reduction is one of the significant benefits in cases of obesity.
Udwarthanam is found very effective in conditions like obesity, hemiplegia, paralysis, skin diseases, joint and muscle stiffness etc.